Maria Cristina Fossi is Full Professor of Ecology and Ecotoxicology at the University of Siena (UNISI) and since 2000 is the Scientific Director of the Biomarker Laboratory (CIBM). Her research focuses on development of ecotoxicological test in bioindicator organisms for off-shore and on-shore oil extraction (ENI-IT), evaluation of endocrine disruptors in marine species, assessment of cetacean ecotoxicological status in various regional seas, investigation of the presence and effect of microplastics and plasticizers in Mediterranean ecosystems. Since 1991 she developed innovative diagnostic tools for ecotoxicological assessment of threatened species (marine mammals, birds, reptiles) leading to the establishment of methods (non-destructive biomarker approach) currently acknowledged as golden standard at the international level. Thanks to her work on skin biopsies, she is a world reference for the assessment of ecotoxicological risk in cetaceans, having published the first papers on the effects of Endocrine Disruptors on Mediterranean marine top predators and long-living organisms as well as early evidence of the effects of microplastics on baleen whales, worldwide. Maria Cristina is author or co-author of over 600 original papers (articles, review articles, chapters and books, abstracts in national and international conferences) H-index = 42, Citations 6661. She is involved in several international scientific organizations (e.g., Past president of SETAC Italian Branch, International Whaling Commission, SC Pelagos Sanctuary, SC ACCOBAMS, etc). Since 2013, she has been the scientific coordinator of the “Plastic Busters” project elected as Flagship Project of Mediterranean-SDSN (United Nations Sustainable Development and Solution Network).