Adress: Università degli studi di Siena, Via Mattioli 4, Siena, 53100
Nationality: Italian
Date of birth: 01/08/1958
- Maria Cristina Fossi is Full Professor of Ecology and Ecotoxicology at the Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences University of Siena (UNISI) and since 2000 is Scientific Director of the Biomarker Laboratory (CIBM- UNISI) and Plastic Busters Lab (UNISI). Maria Cristina Fossi is a renowned ecologist and ecotoxicologist, globally recognized for her innovative and groundbreaking contributions to marine ecotoxicology. Over the past thirty years, she has developed advanced methodologies to study the impact of toxic substances on marine ecosystems, focusing particularly on the effects of environmental contaminants on marine biota.
- Her main research has focused on: development of biomarkers in bioindicators in the marine environment and for off-shore and on-shore oil extraction (ENI-IT), evaluation of endocrine disruptors in marine species, assessment of cetacean ecotoxicological status in Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of California, Indian Ocean, investigation on presence and effect of microplastics and plasticizers in Mediterranean ecosystems.
- Since 1991 she developed innovative diagnostic tools for ecotoxicological assessment of threatened species (marine mammals, birds, reptiles) bringing to the establishment of methods (non-destructive biomarker approach) currently acknowledged as the golden standard at the international level.
- Thanks to her work on skin biopsies, she is a world reference for the assessment of ecotoxicological risk in cetaceans.
- In 2001 she published the first papers on effects of Endocrine Disruptors in Mediterranean marine top predators.
- In 2012 she provided the first evidence worldwide on the effects of microplastics on baleen whales.
- She is author or co-author of over 904 scientific publications, in detail 224 (IF) articles and review articles, 7 books, 30 chapters, 28 journal articles in Italian, 55 abstracts in journals and over 560 abstracts in conference proceedings and several dissemination articles.
- She is involved in several International Scientific organizations (e.g. Past president of SETAC Italian Branch, SC International Whaling Commission, SC Pelagos Sanctuary, SC ACCOBAMS, Member of CORMON UNE/MAP).
- Her lab (10 researchers) has a central position for research on marine litter on the Mediterranean Sea and a key role in the implementation of the EU MSFD at national level (D8-D10) and IMAP Indicators (UNE/MAP). She has been panel member for evaluation of EU projects (eg. BONUS) and international institutions (e.g.: MISTRA (Sweden), Barcelona Convention, CIEMS, etc).
- During her scientific activity she coordinated 33 research projects at national and international level, including 18 projects on the impact of plastics in marine environments.
- She participated as PI at 70 research expeditions in the Mediterranean, Chile, Argentina, Mexico and Australia.
- She has been involved in the organization of more than 28 International Conferences and in more than 80 Conferences as Invited speaker.
- From 1983 onwards she has tutored/supervised about 120 master and PhD students.
- In the field of marine litter, she is the scientific coordinator (PI) of the "Plastic Busters"(PB) initiative elected as Flagship Project of Med-SDSN since 2013 ( The Plastic Busters initiative, developed to monitor and mitigate the impact of plastics in the Mediterranean sea, was labelled in 2016 from Union for the Mediterranean (UFM) ( and financed in 2018 by Interreg MED EU Programme – Plastic Busters MPAs. Plastic Busters initiative was also elected in 2019 as the flagship project for the “BLUEMED Pilot for a Plastic free healthy Mediterranean” from the EU.
- She is the WP3 coordinator of the COMMON, ENI-CBC project.
- In 2019-21 she has been the PI of the FEAMP Project AdriCleanFish supported by MIPAAF. In 2021 she was scientific coordinator (LP) of the PLASTIC BUSTERS CAP, ENI-CBC project. She is the PI of the E-Trace Project (PNRR SPOKE 4) and since 2022 she is the Local coordinator (PI-UNISI) of the Activity 1.2 SPOKE 2 “Zero pollution” in the NBFC.
- She is involved in an intense scientific communication and dissemination activity on the topic of the effects of marine litter and microplastics on biodiversity (including endangered species): media (RAI, SKY, BBC); magazines (La Repubblica, Corriere della Sera, The Independent, The Guardian, etc.); web and films “A Plastic Ocean” (, PlasticBusters-SkyTG24 (, Odissea di Plastica- Sky) - Sky ( Since 2016 Collaboration with “Pizzardi editore” for dissemination on the topic of marine litter for the new generations (Amici cucciolotti)
• Dates (from - to) | 1983 – 1986 | |
• Name and type of organisation | Università degli Studi di Siena – Università degli Studi di Genova | |
• Principal subjects/occupational skills covered | Study of the Mixed Function Oxidases in Marine organisms exposed to xenobiotic compounds. The biomarkers approach the Mediterranean Sea. | |
• Title of qualification awarded | PhD in Marine Sciences | |
• Dates (from - to) | 1978 - 1981 | |
• Name and type of organisation | Università degli Studi di Siena | |
• Principal subjects/occupational | Detections of POPs in sea birds of the Mediterranean Environment | |
• Title of qualification awarded | Graduate in Biology |
- 1986 (March - April):N.R.-British Council Fellowship - Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Marine Environmental Research of Plymouth, U.K. Studying metallothionein and lysosomal lability in mussels, supervised by Dr. M. Moore.
- 1989 (February - April):N.R.-British Council Fellowship - Visiting Scientist at the University of Reading, UK. Conducting research on the biochemical detoxification responses of seabirds exposed to persistent toxic contaminants (role of the MFO system in the adaptation of pollutant-tolerant species in contaminated environments), supervised by Dr. C. Walker.
- 1990 (April - June): European Science Foundation Toxicology Fellowship - Visiting Scientist at MRC Laboratories, Carshalton, UK, conducting research on the use of porphyrins as non-destructive biomarkers in avian species. Supervised by Prof. F. De Matteis.
1991 (March - May): Visiting Scientist at the Environmental Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. Research topics: Strategies for applying biomarkers in biomonitoring programs, in collaboration with Dr. L. Shugart, a leader in the field of Biomarkers.
1991 (November - December): European Science Foundation Toxicology Fellowship - Visiting Scientist at MRC Laboratories, Carshalton, UK, conducting research on the evaluation of MFO activities in avian lymphocytes and erythrocytes. Supervised by Prof. F. De Matteis
• Dates (from - to) | 2016 - today | |
• Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Siena (UNISI) – Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente | |
• Occupation or position held | Full professor Ecology (BIO/07) |
Currently, she coordinates a research group composed of 10 researchers who carry out their research activities at the Plastic Busters - Biomarkers Laboratory of the Department of Physical, Earth, and Environmental Sciences at the University of Siena. In the laboratory, thanks to her ability to attract new members both nationally and internationally, a large number of undergraduate and master's students from the University of Siena, as well as students from other Italian universities (for collaborative thesis work), Erasmus students, and numerous international researchers and faculty members, rotate annually. Throughout her career, he has supervised the research activities of 19 Italian post-docs and 4 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellows, 9 visiting professor. Her has a central position for research on marine litter on the Mediterranean Sea and a key role in the implementation of the EU MSFD at national level (D8-D10) and IMAP Indicators (UNEP/MAP).
- 1994-96: Principal Investigator (PI) in the EU project “Evaluation of the Effects of Contaminants on Marine Ecosystems using Biomarkers”. Collaboration with Universities of Reading and Plymouth, UK
- 1995-97: PI of EU project “Use of Nondestructive Biomarkers to Assess the Health Status of Endangered Marine Mammals in the SW Atlantic” IT-ARG
- 1998-2001: PI of the AGIP-ENI BIOAGRI-project “Biomarkers to Assess Ecotoxicological Risk Associated with Oil Production in Val d’Agri”
- 1999-2001: PI of the ICRAM project “Development of Biomarkers to Assess Effects of EDs Compounds in Med Top Predators”
- 2001-06: PI of the AGIP-ENI BIOMARE-projects “Biomarkers to Assess Ecotoxicological Risks of Off-shore Platforms in Med Sea” and “BIOTRE Use of Biomarkers to Assess Ecotoxicological Risks Associated with On-shore Extraction”
- 2005-07: PI of the AGIP-ENI BIODIVERSITY-project “Ecotoxicological Risk Associated with Off-shore Extraction in Adriatic Sea”
- 2005-07: PI of the project financed by the IT Ministry for the Environment (MATTM) “Ecotoxicological Investigations of Cetaceans in the Med Whales Sanctuary (IT-FR)”
- 2006-07: PI of the ACCOBAMS project (MATTM) “Ecotoxicological Study of two Target Species of Cetaceans in Med”
- 2007-10: PI of the bilateral project financed by the IT Ministry for Foreign Affairs (IT- MX) “Ecotoxicological Studies of two Fin Whale populations in the Med and in Mexico”
- 2008-10: PI of the project financed by the IT Ministry for Agriculture “Ecotoxicological Impact of POPs and Emerging Contaminants in Med populations of Swordfish and Tuna”
- 2008-11: PI of the project financed by UNISI (PAR) “Ecotoxicology of caretta”
- 2008-11: PI of the project financed by ISPRA- MATTM “Study on Morbillivirus in Med cetaceans”
- 2009-11: PI of the project financed by ISPRA “Ecotoxicology of Adriatic truncatus”
- 2010-12: PI of the project with Southern Cross University financed by the Australian Government: “Anthropogenic contaminants in Queensland’s coastal dolphins”
- 2011-13: PI of the project financed by MATTM “The Emerging Issue of the Microplastics in Med: potential impact on Fin Whale”
- 2012-2014: PI of PLASTIC Project, funded by Tuscany Region - POR CRO FSE Axis IV Human Value
- 2014-15: PI of the project financed by MATTM “Plastic Pelagos; presence and effect of Microplastics in the Pelagos Sanctuary”
- From 2013: Scientific Coordinator for the project/initiative "Plastic Busters" initiated under the United Nations SDSN Mediterranean project (Plastic Busters The project (involving 15 Mediterranean partners) dedicated to monitoring and mitigating the impact of plastics in the Mediterranean was "labelled" in February 2016 by the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and selected as a Flagship Project in the Mediterranean for this emerging issue (
- 2014-15: PI of the project financed by Tuscany Region for the monitoring of microplastics in Tuscany coast.
- From 2015 until now: PI of several Project on Awareness raising on plastic and bioplastics - Novamont S.p.A
- From 2016 until now: Scientific coordinator of the Project on Awareness raising on impact of Marine Litter on Med Biodiversity-Pizzardi
- 2017-2018: PI of the project Synbra: Toxicological effects of bioplastic – BIOFOAM
- From 2018: Scientific coordinator of the "Plastic Busters: MPAs - Plastic Busters: preserving biodiversity from plastics in Med Marine Protected Areas" financed by MED-Interreg (ISPRA-LP)
- 2018-2023: PI of the project - POR CRO FSE Axis IV Human Value - BioPlAcq
- 2019-2020: PI of the FEAMP project AdriCleanFish: monitoring, collection and assessment of marine litter on fish species and sustainable fisheries.
- 2019-2023: Local coordinator of the ENI CBC project COMMON: COastal Management and MOnitoring Network for tackling marine litter in Med Sea. PI of WP 3.
- 2020-2023: PI coordinator of the national Project Plastic Busters in Egadi Island MPAs Supported by Rotary International.
- From 2020: Local coordinator of Exploring the fate of Mediterranean microplastics: from distribution pathways to biological effects (EMME) PRIN 2017. Funded by MIUR.
- 2021-2024: Scientific coordinator (PI) of the "Plastic Busters CAP- Fostering knowledge transfer to tackle marine litter in the Med by integrating EbA into ICZM”. PI del WP 1 e WP2. Financed by EU ENI-CBC.
- 2022-2024: PI coordinator of the national Project Plastic Busters in PNAT MPAs – Supported by Rotary International.
- 2022-2024: UNISI PI of the FEAMP project "”-Monitoring, census, collection and start of recycling of ghost nets: fishermen protagonists of safeguarding the sea
- From 2022 until now: UNISI PI and WP3 leader of the National project ” NBFC- SPOKE 2 – Action 1.2. ZERO POLLUTION.
- 2023- 2024: PI of the IMAP-UNEP/MAP project supported by ISPRA RAC/SPA. “Update of monitoring in support of integrated reporting activity monitoring and assessment program with regard to collection and validation of data relating to the pollution and marine cluster litter”.
- From 2024 until now: PI of the E-TRACE project supported by OGS in the Spoke 4- PNRR
• Occupation or position held | Associate professor Ecology (BIO/07) | |
• Dates (from - to) | 2013 –2015 | |
• Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Siena (UNISI) – Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche, della Terra e dell'Ambiente | |
• Occupation or position held | Member of Board of Directors (CDA) UNISI. | |
• Dates (from - to) | 2002 –2015 | |
• Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Siena (UNISI) – Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali | |
• Occupation or position held | Associate professor Ecology (BIO/07) | |
• Dates (from - to) | 1998-2002 | |
• Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Messina | |
• Occupation or position held | Researcher in Ecology (BIO/07) | |
• Dates (from - to) | 1991 –1998 | |
• Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Siena (UNISI) – Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali | |
• Occupation or position held | Post-doc fellow | |
• Dates (from - to) | 1986 –1991 | |
• Name and address of the employer | Università degli Studi di Siena (UNISI) – Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali |
1986: PhD in Marine Sciences, Genoa University. 1991-98: Researcher in Ecology, UNISI. 1995-98: Member of the Teaching Committee for Degree Course in Biology, UNISI. 1998-2002: Associate Professor in Ecology (BIO/07), Messina University-UNIME. 1999-2002: Member of the Biotechnology and Cell Biology PhD Board, UNIME. 2002-15: Associate Professor in Ecology (BIO/07), UNISI. 2003-15: Member of the Environmental Sciences PhD Board, UNISI. 2002-08: Member of Teaching Committee for Specialist Degree Course in “Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution”, UNISI. 2006-09: President of the “Environmental Monitoring and Remediation” Specialist Degree Teaching Board, UNISI. 2008-12: President of the Teaching Board of the “Monitoring and Management of the Marine Environment” Specialist Degree, UNISI. 2011-12: President of the II Level Master on “Multidisciplinary Evaluation of the Environmental Quality of the Marine Environment”, UNISI. From 2011: Member of the Environmental Sciences PhD Board, UNISI. 2012-14: Member of Teaching Committee for Specialist Degree Course in “Ecotoxicology and environmental Sustainability”, UNISI. 2013-15: Member of Board of Directors (CDA).
1987-1991: Research Fellow. Conducted pioneering research on the development of new methodologies for the assessment of toxicological risk in at-risk species using non-destructive biomarkers. Served as the Scientific Secretary for the "Summer School for the Multidisciplinary Assessment of Environmental Risks for Human Health," CNR-University of Siena.
1991: Visiting Scientist at the Environmental Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. Research topics: Strategies for applying biomarkers in biomonitoring programs, in collaboration with Dr. L. Shugart, a leader in the field.
1992: Organized the first international workshop on "Non-destructive Biomarkers in Vertebrates" (Siena, Italy, 1992), followed by the publication of a book with the same title (Lewis Publisher, 1994), which laid the foundations for the development of new non-destructive methodologies for evaluating the ecotoxicological status of at-risk species.
1992 (October): Selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an expert for the EULA project in Chile. Carried out the first application of biomarkers to assess the effects of persistent toxic contaminants in freshwater environments in South America (Chile). Coordinated the establishment of the first Biomarker Laboratory in South America (EULA, Chile).
1994-1997: Expert in environmental monitoring for the CEE Europe - Latin America project (University of Concepción). Research topics: "Impact assessment of pentachlorophenol in the Biobío River basin (Chile)."
1994-1996: Local Scientific Coordinator for the European project "Assessment of the effects of pollutant compounds on marine ecosystems through the use of biomarkers," in collaboration with the University of Reading (UK) and the University of Plymouth (UK). Conducted numerous laboratory and field experiments using marine invertebrates as bioindicator organisms.
1995-1997: Scientific Coordinator for the European project "The use of non-destructive biomarkers to assess the health status of endangered species of marine mammals in the Southwest Atlantic (Italy-Argentina)." Conducted numerous sampling campaigns in Argentina. Carried out the first international application of non-destructive biomarkers on pinniped populations.
1998-2001: Scientific Coordinator for the AGIP-ENI project "BIOAGRI: Use of biomarkers for the ecotoxicological risk assessment of the Val d'Agri Oil Plant." Developed the first protocol based on the use of biomarkers to assess the ecotoxicological risk associated with onshore oil extraction activities.
1999-2001: Scientific Coordinator of the ICRAM project "Development of biomarkers for the assessment of exposure and effects of estrogenic compounds in top predators of the Mediterranean (Italy)." Published the first international studies on the effects of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in large marine predators.
Since 2000: National Delegate for the International Whaling Commission (IWC). His research supports activities against whale hunting within the Scientific Committee.
2001-2006: Scientific Coordinator for projects AGIP-ENI "BIOMARE: Use of biomarkers for the ecotoxicological risk assessment of offshore platforms in the Mediterranean Sea (Italy)" and BIOTRE: "Use of biomarkers for the ecotoxicological risk assessment of onshore extraction activities (Italy)." Conducted numerous laboratory and field experiments using marine and terrestrial invertebrates and vertebrates as bioindicator organisms to evaluate the ecotoxicological effects of extraction activities.
2005-2007: Scientific Coordinator for the AGIP-ENI project BIODIVERSITY: "Use of biomarkers for the ecotoxicological risk assessment of offshore extraction activities in the Adriatic Sea (Italy)." Conducted numerous field experiments using marine invertebrates and vertebrates as bioindicator organisms for the ecotoxicological effects of extraction activities.
2005-2007: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Ministry of the Environment: Ecotoxicological investigations for the monitoring and conservation of cetaceans in the Pelagos Marine Mammal Sanctuary (Italy-France). The first ecotoxicological studies with skin biopsies for the monitoring and conservation of cetaceans in the Pelagos Sanctuary.
2006-2007: Scientific Coordinator for the ACCOBAMS project funded by the Ministry of the Environment: Ecotoxicological study of two cetacean species (Stenella striata and Balaenoptera physalus) in the Mediterranean. Developed new biomarkers in cetacean skin biopsies
2007-2023: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Pelagos Sanctuary and National Delegate – Ministry of the Environment, Territory and Sea Protection (Italy).
2007-2010: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs under bilateral agreements with Mexico: "Population and ecotoxicological studies on two populations of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Mediterranean Whale Sanctuary (Italy) and Baja California (Mexico)." Conducted the first ecotoxicological studies with skin biopsies for the monitoring and conservation of cetaceans in the Sea of Cortez.
2008-2010: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Italian Ministry of Agricultural and Forestry Policies: "Ecotoxicological impact assessment of Legacy and emerging contaminants, biology and ecology of Mediterranean populations of swordfish, bluefin tuna, and albacore."
2008-2011: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the University of Siena (PAR): "Ecotoxicological studies on the Mediterranean Caretta caretta."
2008-2011: Scientific Coordinator for the project (ISPRA – Ministry of the Environment): "Study of the effects of morbillivirus in Mediterranean cetaceans: investigations on the relationships between contamination by xenobiotic compounds, toxicological and immunopathological effects."
2009-2011: Scientific Coordinator for the project (ISPRA): "Ecotoxicology of T. truncatus in the Adriatic Sea."
2010-2012: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Australian Government, Department of Sustainability, Environment, under the funding program "Anthropogenic contaminants in Queensland's coastal dolphins; levels and toxicological effects."
2011-2013: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Ministry of the Environment: "The emerging problem of microplastics in the Mediterranean: potential impacts on fin whales." First global data on the effects of microplastics in whales.
2012: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Tuscany Region, Goreen Mare.
2012-2014: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Tuscany Region - POR CRO FSE Axis IV Human Capital – Project Plastic.
2014-2015: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Ministry of the Environment "Plastic Pelagos." The goal of the Plastic Pelagos project was to provide missing information and data on the presence and effects of Marine Litter in the Pelagos Sanctuary, using various marine species as sentinel species (particularly cetaceans).
2013-2016: Scientific Coordinator for the project funded by the Tuscany Region for the monitoring of microplastics along the Tuscan coast within the implementation of the MSFD, carried out in collaboration with ARPAT and the Tuscany Region.
1986 (March - April): Visiting Scientist at The Institute of Marine Environmental Research of Plymouth, U.K. (C.N.R.-British Council Fellowship) – studying metallothionein and lysosomal lability in mussels, supervised by Dr. M. Moore.
1987-1991: Research Fellow. Conducted pioneering research on the development of new methodologies for the assessment of toxicological risk in at-risk species using non-destructive biomarkers. Served as the Scientific Secretary for the "Summer School for the Multidisciplinary Assessment of Environmental Risks for Human Health," CNR-University of Siena.
1989 (February - April): Visiting Scientist at the University of Reading, UK (C.N.R.-British Council Fellowship), conducting research on the biochemical detoxification responses of seabirds exposed to persistent toxic contaminants (role of the MFO system in the adaptation of pollutant-tolerant species in contaminated environments), supervised by Dr. C. Walker.
1990 (April - June): Visiting Scientist at MRC Laboratories, Carshalton, UK (European Science Foundation Toxicology Fellowship), conducting research on the use of porphyrins as non-destructive biomarkers in avian species. Supervised by Prof. F. De Matteis.
1991 (March - May): Visiting Scientist at the Environmental Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA. Research topics: Strategies for applying biomarkers in biomonitoring programs, in collaboration with Dr. L. Shugart, a leader in the field.
1991 (November - December): Visiting Scientist at MRC Laboratories, Carshalton, UK (European Science Foundation Toxicology Fellowship), conducting research on the evaluation of MFO activities in avian lymphocytes and erythrocytes. Supervised by Prof. F. De Matteis.
1992: Selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as an expert for the EULA project in Chile. Carried out the first application of biomarkers to assess the effects of persistent toxic contaminants in freshwater environments in South America (Chile). Coordinated the establishment of the first Biomarker Laboratory in South America (EULA).
1994-1997: Selected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Expert in environmental monitoring for the CEE Europe - Latin America project (University of Concepción). Research topics: "Impact assessment of pentachlorophenols in the Biobío River basin (Chile)."
Since 2000: National Delegate for the International Whaling Commission (IWC). His research supports activities against whale hunting within the Scientific Committee.
2007-2023: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of the Pelagos Sanctuary and National Delegate – Ministry of the Environment, Territory and Sea Protection (Italy).
- Member of Scientific and Administrative Committees of Centro Interuniversitario Biologia Marina - CIBM (2000-25).
- Italian Delegate in the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Scientific Commission (SC) - MIPAF (2000-25).
- Member of SC of Pollution 2025, IWC (2007-25).
- Member of Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS) SC (2019-25), IUCN Delegate.
- UNEP/MP Laboratory Coordinator, CORMON UNEP/MAP Member. (2010-25).
- President of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Italian Branch (2011-12) and member of the SETAC EU committee.
- Member of Board of Directors (CDA) of UNISI (2013-15).
- International Award “Mimosa d’oro” Parma (2015)
- Prize “7 Green awards” Milano (2016).
- Prize “Pelagos” Legambiente (2019).
- Price Rotary Plastic Busters Human Value. 2018
- Elected EU Ordinary Heroes (2020).
- “Ritratto di Donne” – Italiana - Ministry of Foreign Affairs- On the occasion of the Day of ItalianResearch across the World, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation presents the Italian Top scientists. Selected as one of the Italian Top Scientists. ( (2022).
- International Award Motomundi 2023 ( The Motumundi Award is given annually to an individual who, through their dedication and professional activity in Italy or around the world, has contributed their knowledge for the protection of the environment and climate, as well as for the protection of human health and the animal kingdom. The award was given to Maria Cristina Fossi, an internationally renowned scientist who provided the first evidence in the world of the effects of microplastics on whales.
- Marlice Price 2024 - In 2024, the award was conferred to Maria Cristina Fossi for her unwavering commitment to the protection of marine biodiversity from the impact of plastics.
- She was selected (2024-25) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as one of the 10 Italian researchers to represent Italy worldwide for the SWIT (Science Women of Italy) It has been presented in Italian embassies around the world. The goal of the exhibition (is to promote awareness of the achievements in STEM – an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – and the Italian women who have been protagonists in these fields, exploring the socio-environmental, cultural, and historical aspects while capturing the transformations that have occurred over time.
Graduate students at University of Siena (Master degree=MD, Bachelor Degree=BD) in the last 15 years (2010-2024):
- Eleonora Matrone: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2023/24
- Matteo Massa: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2023/24
- Alessia Giustarini: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability. 2022/23
- Chiara Sablone: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2022/23
- Francesca Polito: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2022/23
- Leonardo Scarselli, MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2021/22
- Giulia Gai: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2021/22
- Chiara Dettoto: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2021/22
- Nicolò Pieri, MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2020/21
- Gabriele Gallorini, MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2020/21
- Simone Piccioli, MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2020/21
- Michela Panni: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2020/21
- Dario Ferlazzo, MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2019/21
- Andrea Maria Ferri. MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2019/21
- Rudi Mazzinghi. MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2019/21
- Stefan Polini. MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2019/21
- Andrea Maccantelli. MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2019/2020
- Sofia Forconi: BD in Natural and Environmental Sciences, A.Y. 2017/18.
- Ilaria Bernardini: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2017/18.
- Isabella Calattini: BD in Natural and Environmental Sciences, A.Y. 2017/18.
- Margherita Concato: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability, A.Y. 2016/17.
- Rudi Mazzinghi: BD in Natural and Environmental Sciences. A.A. 2016/17.
- Erica de Rysky: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability A.Y. 2015/16.
- Matteo Galli: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability A.Y. 2015/16.
- Giacomo Limonta: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability A.Y. 2015/16.
- Rita Mento: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability 2011/2012
- Matteo Galli: BD in Natural and Environmental Sciences. 2011/2012
- Maria Valeria Casà. MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability. A.A. 2012/13.
- Ballini Matilde: BD in Natural and Environmental Sciences. A.Y. 2011/12.
- Marta Romano: MD in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability. A.Y. 2011/12.
- Schillaci Francesca: MD in Monitoring and Management of marine environment A.Y. 2011/12.
- Maria Luisa Vannuccini. MD in Monitoring and Management of marine environment A.Y. 2010/11.
- Maddalena Manganelli. BD in Environmental Sciences. A.Y. 2010/11.
- Daiana Nannetti. BD in Environmental Sciences. A.Y. 2010/11.
- Chiara Nicosia. MD in Monitoring and Management of marine environment A.Y. 2010/11.
- Silvia Picci. MD in Monitoring and Management of marine environment A.Y. 2010/11
- Particelli Elisa. MD in Monitoring and Management of marine environment A.Y. 2010/11
- Romaney Pinnock. MD in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution.A.Y. 2009/10.
- Matteo Baini. MD in Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution.A.Y. 2009/10.
Since 1990 M.C Fossi has supervised other 35 graduate students which cannot be reported for brevity.
PhD students in the last 20 years:
- Andrea Maccantelli (2023-2026). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies. DIN PNRR.
- Antonino Vincenzo Alessi (2023-2026). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies. DIN PNRR.
- Chiara Dettoto (2023-2026). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Margherita Concato (2021-2024). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Matteo Galli (2018-2023). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Victoria Anonieta Gomez Aburto (2017-2022). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Giacomo Limonta (2016-2019). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Dario Giani (2016-2019). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Matteo Baini (2013-2016). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Daniele Coppola (2012-2015). Phd in Environmental, geological and polar sciences and technologies.
- Silvia Maltese (2007-2010). PhD in Sciences and Technologies Applied to the Environment
- Ilaria Caliani (2005-2008). PhD in Sciences and Technologies Applied to the Environment
- Serena Porcelloni (2004-2007). PhD in Sciences and Technologies Applied to the Environment
- Daniela Bucalossi (2001-2004). PhD in Sciences and Technologies Applied to the Environment
- Grabriele Mori (2000-2003). PhD Environmental Biology.
- Since 1992 M.C Fossi has supervised other 6 PhD students which cannot be reported for brevity.
Post-Docs supervised at the University of Siena and Messina:
- Begona Jimenez (1998-2000); Silvia Casini (1998-2002); Roberta Minutoli (1998-2000); Gabriele Mori (2004-2006); Daniela Bucalossi (2004-2008); Serena Porcelloni (2008-2010); Silvia Maltese (2007-2011); Ilaria Caliani (2010-2022); Cristina Panti (2012-2021); Matteo Baini (2016-today); Giacomo Limonta (2020-today); Dario Giani (2020-today); Matteo Galli (2022-today).
From the Academic Year (AY) 1987 to 1988
From the Academic Year 1987 to 1988, he held numerous seminars at the University of Siena and other Italian Universities (Milan, Piacenza, Viterbo) and taught substitute courses in ECOLOGY, APPLIED ECOLOGY, ECOTOXICOLOGY, BIOINDICATORS, and BIOMARKERS. He also taught numerous courses in advanced training programs and master’s courses.
From the AY 1988 to the present
University of Tuscia
- AY 1998-99: APPLIED ECOLOGY at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences.
University of Messina Faculty of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences
- AY from 1998 to 2002: COASTAL ENVIRONMENT ECOLOGY, Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences
- AY from 1998 to 2002: MARINE ECOLOGY, Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences.
- Member of the Faculty Board of the PhD Program in "Biotechnology and Cell Biology" (1999-2002).
University of Siena - Faculty of Mathematical, Physical, and Natural Sciences/ Department of Physics, Earth and Environmental Sciences
- Member of the Faculty Board of the PhD Program in "Environmental Sciences" (2001-2016).
- AY 2002-04: LABORATORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS. Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences.
AY 2003-04: LABORATORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 4, Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences. ·
AY 2003-04: ECOTOXICOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences.
- AY 2003-05: WATER BIOREMEDIATION. Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology.
- AY 2006-07: BIOMARKERS (Master's Degree in Biotechnology for Human Health, Interfaculty Program).
- AY 2004-08: ECOLOGY. Bachelor's Degree in Biotechnology.
- AY 2005-08: BIOMARKERS, Master's Degree in Biotechnology for Human Health, Interfaculty Program.
- AY 2001-10: METHODOLOGIES OF BIOINDICATION AND BIOMARKERS. Master's Degree in Ecotoxicological Impact Analysis Technologies.
- AY 2007-11: MONITORING OF AT-RISK SPECIES IN MARINE ENVIRONMENTS. Master's Degree in Environmental Monitoring and Recovery Technologies.
- AY 2010 -12: MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF PORT AREAS. Master's Degree in Marine Environment Monitoring and Management.
- AY 2010-11: MARINE ENVIRONMENT MONITORING TECHNIQUES. Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences.
- AY 2010-12: BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF POLLUTANTS. Bachelor's Degree in Environmental and Natural Sciences.
- AY 2012-13: BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF POLLUTANTS. Bachelor's Degree in Environmental and Natural Sciences.
- AY 2012-13: MONITORING AND CONSERVATION OF AT-RISK SPECIES IN MARINE ENVIRONMENTS. Master's Degree in "Integrated Assessment of Marine and Coastal Environmental Quality, Management, and Conservation."
- AY 2010-24: ANIMAL BIOINDICATORS AND BIOMARKERS. Master's Degree in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability.
- AY 2014 -25: MONITORING AND CONSERVATION OF AT-RISK SPECIES IN MARINE ENVIRONMENTS. Master's Degree in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Sustainability.
- AY 2023-25: APPLIED ECOLOGY. Bachelor's Degree in Environmental and Natural Sciences.
- Since 2012: Member of the Faculty Board of the PhD Program in "Environmental, Geological, and Polar Sciences and Technologies," Department of Physical, Earth, and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena.
She has participated in numerous Graduation and PhD Committees at both the University of Messina (1998-2002) and the University of Siena (1991-1998/2002-2024), as well as at Spanish, Portuguese, Norwegian, and Mexican Universities.
1992: Series of lectures in the course "Ecotoxicological Prospects of Chemical Pollution in the Environment", University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain
1993: Series of lectures in the course "Ecotoxicology – European Environmental Research Organization" (EERO), Texel, Netherlands.
1993: Series of lectures in the course "General Toxicology – European Environmental Research Organization" (EERO), Lindau, Germany.
1994: Seminar in the course "Ecotoxicology - European Environmental Research Organization" (EERO), Texel, Netherlands.
1994: Series of lectures in the Master's course "Chemical Pollution of the Environment", University of La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain.
1997: Series of lectures in the course "Postgraduate Theory and Practice: Evaluation and Monitoring of Aquatic Pollution through the Use of Biomarkers" – University of Concepción - Chile.
2002: Series of lectures in the course "Postgraduate Theory and Practice: Evaluation and Monitoring of Aquatic Pollution through the Use of Biomarkers" – University of Concepción - Chile.
2003: Series of lectures in the course "Postgraduate Theory and Practice: Evaluation and Monitoring of Aquatic Pollution through the Use of Biomarkers" – University of Concepción – Chile.
2007-2008: Series of lectures "Use of Biomarkers" - CSIS - Ciudad Real, Spain.
2015: Seminar “Impact of Microplastics on Mediterranean Biota” at the Blue Growth Summer School, OGS Institute, Trieste.
2015: Seminar “Impact of Plastics on Marine Biodiversity” at the University of Baja California, Mexico.
2015: Seminar “Impact of Plastic on Mediterranean Biodiversity” at the DeFishGear Summer School, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
2017: Invited Lecture to Harvard University (USA) for the presentation of the move “A Plastic Ocean”
From 2020 until 2023:Plastic Busters training course on Marine litter Monitoring in Tunisia, Jordania, Croatia, Greece, France.
2023: Seminar “The Plastic Busters Project in the Mediterranean” at GEOADRIATICO Summer School, Trieste
2025: Seminar at PLASTMED Summer School SZN- CRIMAC
International Workshop on Nondestructive Biomarkers in Vertebrates, University of Siena, Siena, May 1992.
- 15TH ESCPB Conference "Biochemical and Physiological Effects of Pollutants and Toxicological Assessment of Environmental Quality", Genoa, September 1994. Member of the Scientific Committee.
- 6th SETAC-Europe Annual Meeting, Taormina, May 1996. Member of the Scientific Committee and the Local Organizing Committee.
- Invest. Biol., Bilbao, May 1998. Member of the Scientific Committee.
- Biological Effects of Pollutants: The Role of Environmental Proteomics and Genomics - European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry - 22nd Conference, Alessandria, Italy, 2003. Member of the Scientific Committee.
- Workshop on Marine Mammals Habitat Degradation, International Whaling Commission (IWC) - Siena, Italy, 2004. Member of the Organizing Committee.
- Pollution Responses in Marine Organisms PRIMO 13, Alessandria, Italy, 2005. Member of the International Advisory Board.
- Workshop on Marine Mammals and Climate Change, International Whaling Commission (IWC) - Siena, Italy, 2008. Member of the Organizing Committee.
- Pollution Responses in Marine Organisms PRIMO 15, Bordeaux, France, 2009. Member of the International Advisory Board.
- European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry 27th Conference, Alessandria, Italy, 2010. Member of the International Advisory Board.
- SETAC-IB Workshop on “Ecotoxicology of Large Marine Vertebrates: Potential Sentinels of Good Environmental Status of Marine Environment, Implications on European Marine Strategy”, Siena, Italy, 2012.
- SETAC-IB Workshop on “Large Marine Vertebrates as Sentinels of GES in the European MSFD”, Siena, Italy, 2013.
- Plastic Day: Marine Litter, Effects, Mitigation, and Sustainable Solutions, Siena, March 2016.
- The Plastic Busters Project; Moving Forward, Siena, April 2016.
- Micro 2016, Lanzarote, Spain, May 2016. Member of the Organizing Committee.
- The Plastic Busters Project; 2nd Meeting, Siena, July 2017.
- The Plastic Busters MPAs Project; Kick-off Meeting, Siena, April 2018.
- SETAC Rome 2018 Member of the Local Organizing Committee. - Special Session: Harmful Effects of Plastic Litter and Mitigation Strategies in the Mediterranean Sea,
- Micro 2018, Lanzarote, Spain, 2018. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- BlueSeaLand – Mazara del Vallo, October 4-7, 2018. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- Plastic Busters Technical Workshop, Bonifacio, November 8, 2018. Lead Organizer.
- MARLICE 2019 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Seville, Spain, April 8-10, 2019. Member of the Organizing Committee.
- Plastic Busters Technical WP4 Planning Workshop, Milazzo (Italy), May 9, 2019. Lead Organizer.
- MicroMED – International Conference, Capri (Italy), September 15-18, 2019. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- Final Conference FEAMP AdriCleanFish “Tutela della biodiversità in Adriatico: monitorare, raccogliere e valutare gli impatti dei rifiuti marini sulle specie ittiche”,24 September 2020. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge and Responsibilities. Lanzarote and beyond (online conference), 23-27 November 2020. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- The Plastic Busters MPAs CAPITALIZATION CONFERENCE “Plastic Busters MPAs consolidates efforts to slash marine plastic pollution in Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas”, 12-13 April 2022, Athens, Greece. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- 31st Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE). Ecosystem Adaptations to the Pressures of the Anthropocene. Siena, September 13-15, 2022. Organizing and Scientific Committee, Conference Chair.
- Final conference/AB meeting/SC meeting COMMON project, Tunis and INSTM Headquarters (Tunisia) February 7-9, 2023. Organizing Committee.
- MARLIPPO - Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution International Workshop, Lecce, May 16, 2023. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- Marine Litter and Pollution: Research, Monitoring, and Mitigation Actions in the Mediterranean Sea. Festival on Climate and Environment Motomundi 2023, Siena, October 13, 2023. Organizing Committee.
- Final Hybrid Conference Plastic Busters CAP. Marine Litter: Causes, Impacts, and Solutions - Insights from Plastic Busters CAP, Aqaba (Jordan) e Siena (Italy), 8 November 2023. Organizing Committee.
- Workshop on Ingested Marine Litter Monitoring and Entanglement Evidence in The ACCOBAMS Area, 6-7 Aprile 2024, Catania. Organizing Committee.
- MICRO 2024, Plastic Pollution from macro to nano, 23-27 September 2024.Scientific and Organizing Committee.
- 1998-2002: Member of the Teaching Committee for Degree Course in Biology, UNISI.
- 1999-2002: Member of the Biotechnology and Cell Biology PhD Board, UNIME.
- 2003-15: Member of the Environmental Sciences PhD Board, UNISI.
- 2002-08: Member of Teaching Committee for Specialist Degree Course in “Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution”, UNISI.
- 2006-09: President of the “Environmental Monitoring and Remediation” Specialist Degree Teaching Board, UNISI.
- 2008-12: President of the Teaching Board of the “Monitoring and Management of the Marine Environment” Master Degree, UNISI.
- 2011-12: President of the Master on “Multidisciplinary Evaluation of the Environmental Quality of the Marine Environment”, UNISI.
- From 2011 until now: Member of the Environmental Sciences PhD Board, UNISI.
- 2012-14: Member of Teaching Committee for Specialist Degree Course in “Ecotoxicology and environmental Sustainability”, UNISI.
- 2013-15: Member of Board of Directors (CDA), UNISI.
- 2017-2023: Member of Board of Joint Commission – students/professors of the DSFTA Department (UNISI).
- 2020-2024:Member of the Salary Advancement Evaluation Committee at UNISI.
- 2000-25: Italian Delegate in the International Whaling Commision (IWC) Scientific Commission (SC) -MIPAF
- 2010-23: Italian Delegate in the Pelagos Sanctuary SC - MIPAF
- 2007-25: Member of SC of Pollution 2025, IWC
- 2015-19. National Delegate for Marine Strategy Framework detective (MSFD) Technical Group Marine Litter (EU).
- 2014-15: Panel evaluating members for EU Commission (BONUS - Science for a better future of the Baltic Sea region -
- 2016-18: Panel member nell’ambito MISTRA (THE SWEDISH FOUNDATION FOR STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – Svezia - Background paper: Plastics in a sustainable society per apertura di bandi di ricerca internazionali
- 2014 Panel member CIEMS
- Since 2017: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Scienze del Mare (CONISMA). Delegate for UNISI (
- Since 2018: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of Centro Interuniversitario Biologia Marina (CIBM) Delegate for UNISI(.
- Since 2020: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of LEGAMBIENTE
- Since 2022: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of Marevivo
- Since 2020: Permanent Member of the Scientific Technical Committee of The Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS) Delegate for IUCN (
Member of the Editorial Board of Ecotoxicology - Springer (2000-06)
Member of the Editorial Board of Biomarkers -Taylor and Francis (2006-11)
Associated Editor of Environmental Pollution - Springer (from 2015 until now);
Member of the Editorial Board of Frontiers in Marine Science - Frontiers (from 2015 until now).
Fossi, M.C., Panti, C. (2018) Marine mammal ecotoxicology: Impacts of multiple stressors on population health Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Population Health (2018), Pages 1-486. ISBN: 978-0-12-812144-3.
Baztan J., Bergmann M., Carrasco A., Fossi C., Jorgensen B., Miguelez A., Pahl S., Thompson R.C., Vanderlinden J-P. (Eds.) (2018), MICRO 2018. Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions. 414 pp. MSFS-RBLZ. ISBN 978-84-09-06477-9 . CC-BY-NC-SA.
Baini, C. Pedà, C. Panti, I. Caliani, S. Casini, C. Leonzio & M.C. Fossi. (2017) Bioindicator Selection In The Strategies For Monitoring Marine Litter In The Mediterranean Sea, UNISI, UfM, SDSN, pp.81. ISBN: 798-88-961-5107-5.
Maria Cristina Fossi. (2000) Biomarkers, strumenti di diagnosi e prognosi ambientale. p.1-135, FIRENZE: Rosini Editor, ISBN: 8886461607.
Maria Cristina Fossi, C Leonzio (1994). Nondestructive biomarkers in vertebrates. p.3-345, BOCA RATON: Lewis Publishers, ISBN: 0873716485
A Renzoni, N Mattei, L Lari, Maria Cristina Fossi, (1994). Contaminants in the environment. A multidisciplinary Assessment of Risks to Man and Other Organisms. p.3-286, BOCA RATON: Lewis Publishers, ISBN: 0873718534
S Focardi, C Leonzio, Maria Cristina Fossi, O Parra, JF Gavilan, R Barra, J Tapia (1993). Evaluacion preliminar da la calidad del agua y del aire de la cuenca del Bio Bio el uso de organismos biologicos. vol. Scientific Monographs Vol. 12, p. 331-345, Editor. Faranda F, Parra O.
Marine Environmental Research, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Pollution, Chemosphere, Environmental Research, Journal of Hazardous Material (Elevsier); Nature Communications (Nature Portfolio); Ecotoxicology, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research (Springer Nature); Trends in Ecology and Evolution (Cell Press).
ECS – European Cetacean Society (from 2011-2024)
IWC – International Whaling Commission (from 2000)
SETAC - Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (from 2009)
SMM – Society for Marine Mammalogy (from 2011)
ESCPB – European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (from 2010)
SItE – Società Italiana di Ecologia (from 2010)
Collaboration - 53.4% International collaboration: Percent of documents co-authored with researchers in other countries/regions (Scopus)
For each collaborator is reported the number of Publication (P) and/or Projects (Pr) in common
National Collaborations
Dr. Annalaura Mancia, Università di Ferrara (4P)
Dr. Giancarlo Lauriano, ISPRA (4P, 5P)
Dr. Michela Podestà, Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano (1P)
Dr. Simone Panigada, Tethys Research Institute (8P,3P)
Dr. Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Tethys Research Institute (8P,3P)
Dr. Teresa Romeo, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (10P, 3P)
Dr. Massimiliano Rosso, CIMA Research Foundation (3P, 2P)
Prof. Salvatrice Vizzini, Università di Palermo (1P, 2P)
Prof. Francesco Regoli, Università Politecnica delle Marche (1P, 2Pr)
Prof. Sandro Mazzariol, Università di Padova (3P, 2P)
Dr. Giuseppe Andrea de Lucia, CNR-IAS (1P,1Pr)
Dr. Carla Grattarola, Istituto Zooprofilattico Torino (1P, 2Pr)
Dr. Raffaella Mossotti, CNR STIIMA (1P)
Dr. Stefania di Vito, Legambiente (2Pr)
Dr. Gianfranco Scotti, ISPRA (2P, 1Pr)
International Collaborations
Dr. Sarah Baulch, Environmental Investigation Agency (UK) (1P)
Dr. Martine Berubè, University of Groningen (NL) (1P)
Prof. Michael Depledge, University of Exeter (UK) (5P, 2Pr)
Dr. Francois Galgani, IFREMER (FR) (7P, 3P)
Dr. Mark E. Hahn, Dr. John Stegeman.Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (MA, USA) (2P)
Prof. Albert Koelmans, University of Wageningen (NL) (1P)
Dr. Dení Ramírez Macías, Directora Tiburón Ballena (MX) (1P, 1Pr)
Dr. Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (MX) (4P, 2Pr)
Dr. Heli Routti, Norwegian Polar Institute (NW); (1P, 2Pr)
Prof. Jorge Urban-Ramirez, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (MX) (6P, 2Pr)
Dr. Catherine Tsangaris, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (GR) (3P, 2Pr)
Prof. Mohamed Banni, University of Sousse (TU) (1P)
Salud Deudero, Instituto Espanol de Oceanografia (SP) (5P, 1 Pr)
Begona Jimenez, CSIC (SP) (8P)
Bianca Unger, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover (GE) (1P)
Francoise Claro, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris (FR)(1P, 1Pr)
Dr Michael Moore, Dr David Livingstone.European Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth, UK (1P)
Prof. Celine Godard.Institute of Environmental and Human Health, Texas Tech University, Lubbock (USA) (3P, 1Pr)
Dr. Drasko Holcer. Blue World Institute of Marine Research and Conservation (Croatia)(1P)
Prof. Lúcia Guilhermino.Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (Porto, Portugal) (1P)
Dr. Anne Bjornstad. Rogaland Research, Stavanger (Norvegia)
Dr. Bjørn Einar Grøsvik. Institute of Marine Research, Bergen (Norvegia)(1P)
Dr. Augustine Arukwe. Norvegian University of Science and Technology - Trondheim (Norvegia) (1P)
Dr. Daniele Cagnazzi. Southern Cross University (Australia)(1P, 1Pr)
Dr. Roger Payne.Ocean Alliance (USA) (1P, 1Pr)
Prof. Juan Francisco Gavilan. Universidad de Concepcion, (Cile) (3P, 2Pr)
Prof. Oscar Parra. Prof. Riccardo Barra. Centro EULA, Concepcion (Cile) (3P, 2Pr)
Prof. H. Castello. Museum of Natural Science, Buenos Aires, (Argentina) (1P, 1Pr)
Dr. Lee Shugart. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA (2P)
Dr. S. Tanabe. Ehime University, Japan
Prof. F. De Matteis, Prof. C.K. Lim.Toxicology Unit, MRC Laboratories, London UK (1P)
Dr. Susan Bengston-Nash. Environmental Futures Research Institute (EFRI), Griffith University, Nathan (Australia) (1P)
Prof. Alex Aguilar, Prof. Asuncion Borrell. Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcellona (Spagna)(1P)
Prof. Antonio Jesús Fernández Rodríguez.Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas (Spagna)(1P)
Dr. Tatjana Hema. Dr. Gaetano Leone UNEP/MAP, Athen (Grece)(1P)
Dr. Deni Ramirez.Tiburón Ballena La paz (México)(1P)
Greg Donovan, Caterina Fortuna. IWC (UK)(2P)
Stefano Papazian National Facility for Exposomics at SciLifeLab (Stockholm)
Track record last 10 years
- H-INDEX: 48
- ExpertScape 2022: Top-rated Expert in Ocean and Sea: 2nd Italy; 21sh EU, 40th Worldwide
Collaboration - 53.4% International collaboration: Percent of documents co-authored with researchers in other countries/regions
Documents in top citation percentiles - 71.6% (63 documents): Percent of documents in the top 25% most cited documents worldwide
Documents in top 25% journals - 89.9% (71 documents): Percent of documents in the top 25% journals by CiteScore
- Galli, M., [...] Galgani, F., Fossi, M.C. Paraffin waxes in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive assessment in the Pelagos Sanctuary, a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2024, 467, 133677.Cit. 0, IF 12.2
- Galli, M., [...] Galgani, F., Fossi, M.C. Oceanographic and anthropogenic variables driving marine litter distribution in Mediterranean protected areas: Extensive field data supported by forecasting modelling. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 903, 166266. Cit. 12, IF 8.2
- Galli, M.,[...] Cincinelli, A., Fossi, M.C.Microplastic occurrence and phthalate ester levels in neuston samples and skin biopsies of filter-feeding megafauna from La Paz Bay (Mexico). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023, 192, 115086. Cit. 10, IF 5.3
- Pedà, C., Romeo, T., [...] Fossi, M.C. Integrated biomarker responses in European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) chronically exposed to PVC microplastics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022, 438, 129488. Cit. 17, IF 12.2
- Fossi, M.C., Vlachogianni, T.[...] Leone, G. Assessing and mitigating the harmful effects of plastic pollution: the collective multi-stakeholder driven Euro-Mediterranean response. Ocean and Coastal Management, 2020, 184, 105005.Cit. 46, IF 4.8
- Panti, C., [...] Simmonds, M.P., Fossi, M.C.Marine litter: One of the major threats for marine mammals. Outcomes from the European Cetacean Society workshop. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 247, 72–79.Cit. 110, IF 7.6
- Fossi, M.C., [...] Baini, M.Bioindicators for monitoring marine litter ingestion and its impacts on Mediterranean biodiversity. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 237, 1023–1040. Cit. 279, IF 7.6
- Fossi, M.C., [...] Ramírez-Macías, D. Are whale sharks exposed to persistent organic pollutants and plastic pollution in the Gulf of California (Mexico)? First ecotoxicological investigation using skin biopsies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2017, 199,. 48–58. Cit. 91 , IF 3.9
- Fossi, M.C., [...] Lapucci, C. Plastic debris occurrence, convergence areas and fin whales feeding ground in the Mediterranean marine protected area Pelagos Sanctuary: A modeling approach. Frontiers in Marine Science, 2017, 4, 167.Cit. 168 , IF 5.1
- Fossi, M.C.,[...] Panti, C. Fin whales and microplastics: The Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Cortez scenarios. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 209, pp. 68–78. Cit. 316 , IF 7.6
- Romeo, T., [...] Fossi, M.C. First evidence of presence of plastic debris in the stomach of large pelagic fish in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2015, 95(1), pp. 358–361. Cit. 475, IF 5.3
More details are reported in the section Organization of Scientific Meeting
- 2017: Invited Lecture to Harvard University (USA) for the presentation of the move “A Plastic Ocean”
- 2018 Environmental Endocrine Disruptors. Les Diablerets, Vaud (FR), Switzerland Gordon Research Conference. Invited Speaker.
- SETAC Rome 2018 - Special Session: Harmful Effects of Plastic Litter and Mitigation Strategies in the Mediterranean Sea, Chair. Invited Speaker.
- Micro 2018, Lanzarote, Spain, 2018. Key Note Speaker.
- ECS 2018 – La Spezia (Italy). Key Note Speaker.
- MARLICE 2019 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Seville, Spain, April 8-10, 2019. Invited Speaker.
- MicroMED – International Conference, Capri (Italy), September 15-18, 2019. Chair. Invited Speaker.
- MicroMED – International Conference, Naples (Italy), September, 2022. Chair. Invited Speaker.
- MARLICE 2022 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Seville, Spain, 2022.Chair. Invited Speaker.
- 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference DUBAI. Invited Speaker.
- MARLICE 2024 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Member of the Organizing Committee. Invited Speaker (.
- PLASTMed, 1st edition CRIMAC International Summer School, October 22nd-25th, 2024 Invited Speaker
More details are reported in the section Current Position
- 2018-2023: Scientific coordinator and Unity UNISI PI of the "Plastic Busters: MPAs - Plastic Busters: preserving biodiversity from plastics in Med Marine Protected Areas" financed by MED-Interreg
- 2019-2020: Scientific coordinator (PI) of the FEAMP project AdriCleanFish: monitoring, collection and assessment of marine litter on fish species and sustainable fisheries.
- 2020-2024: Local coordinator (PI UNISI) of Exploring the fate of Mediterranean microplastics: from distribution pathways to biological effects (EMME) PRIN 2017. Funded by MIUR.
- 2021-2023: Scientific coordinator (PI) of the "Plastic Busters CAP- Fostering knowledge transfer to tackle marine litter in the Med by integrating EbA into ICZM”. Financed by EU ENI-CBC.
- 2022 until now: UNISI PI and WP3 leader of the PNRR National project ” NBFC- SPOKE 2 – Action 1.2. ZERO POLLUTION.
- From 2024: Scientific coordinator and PI of the E-TRACE project supported by OGS (SPOKE4)
More details are reported in the section Organization of Scientific Meeting
- Micro 2016, Lanzarote, Spain, May 2016. Member of the Organizing Committee.
- ECS 2018 – La spezia (Italy). Member of the Organizing Committee.
- SETAC Rome 2018 - Member of the Organizing Committee. Special Session: Harmful Effects of Plastic Litter and Mitigation Strategies in the Mediterranean Sea, Chair.
- Micro 2018, Lanzarote, Spain, 2018. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- MARLICE 2019 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Seville, Spain, April 8-10, 2019. Member of the Organizing Committee.
- Plastic Busters Technical WP4 Planning Workshop, Milazzo (Italy), May 9, 2019. Lead Organizer.
- MicroMED – International Conference, Capri (Italy), September 15-18, 2019. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- MARLICE 2022 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Seville, Spain, 2022. Member of the Organizing Committee
- 31st Congress of the Italian Society of Ecology (SItE). Ecosystem Adaptations to the Pressures of the Anthropocene. Siena, September 13-15, 2022. Organizing and Scientific Committee, Conference Chair.
- Micro 2022, Lanzarote, Spain, 2022. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- MARLICE 2024 International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, Member of the Organizing Committee. Organizing and Scientific Committee(.
- Micro 2024, Lanzarote, Spain, 2024. Member of the Organizing Committee. Chair.
- International Award “Mimosa d’oro” Parma (2015).
- Prize “7 Green awards” Milano (2016).
- Prize “Pelagos” Legambiente (2019).
- Price Rotary Plastic Busters Human Value. (2018)
- Elected EU Ordinary Heroes (2020).
- “Ritratto di Donne” – Italiana - Ministry of Foreign Affairs- On the occasion of the Day of ItalianResearch across the World, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation presents the Italian Top scientists. ( (2022).
- International Award Motomundi 2023 ( The award was given to Maria Cristina Fossi, an internationally renowned scientist who provided the first evidence in the world of the effects of microplastics on whales.
- Marlice Price 2024 - In 2024, the award was conferred to Maria Cristina Fossi for her unwavering commitment to the protection of marine biodiversity from the impact of plastics.
- She was selected (2024-25) by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as one of the 10 Italian researchers to represent Italy worldwide for the SWIT (Science Women of Italy) It has been presented in Italian embassies around the world. The goal of the exhibition (is to promote awareness of the achievements in STEM – an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics – and the Italian women who have been protagonists in these fields, exploring the socio-environmental, cultural, and historical aspects while capturing the transformations that have occurred over time.
Maria Cristina Fossi is a renowned ecologist and ecotoxicologist, globally recognized for her innovative and groundbreaking contributions to marine ecotoxicology. Over the past thirty years, she has developed advanced methodologies to study the impact of toxic substances on marine ecosystems, focusing particularly on the effects of environmental contaminants on marine biota. She is Full Professor of Ecology and Ecotoxicology at the University of Siena (UNISI) and was since 2000 Scientific Director of the Biomarker Laboratory -Plastic Busters of Siena University ( She has conducted essential research to understand how pollution from Legacy Contaminants, heavy metals, pesticides, microplastics and Emerging Chemicals affects the health of marine organisms (particularly endangered species) and food chains, leading to greater awareness and solutions to protect the oceans and marine biodiversity. Her work has significantly contributed to changing the way chemical impacts on marine environments are studied and monitored. Her scientific career has been marked by a series of significant breakthroughs both in terms of the topic addressed and the methodologies used, which were often unconventional.
The key milestones in her career are listed below:
- In the early 1990s, by collaborating with some of the world's leading researchers on this topic (Prof. M. Depledge, Prof. L. Shugart, Prof. M. Moore), she made a fundamental contribution to the development of the biomarker approach in terrestrial and marine ecotoxicology.
- At the end of the 1990s, she developed, in a complete break from the ecotoxicological world, for the first time innovative Non-Destructive Biomarker techniques for studying endangered species in a non-lethal way, publishing the first monograph in the world on this topic ( She developed innovative diagnostic tools for ecotoxicological assessment of threatened species (marine mammals, birds, reptiles) bringing to the establishment of methods (non-destructive biomarker approach) currently acknowledged as the golden standard at the international level.
- Thanks to her work on skin biopsies of marine mammals, she is a world reference for the assessment of ecotoxicological risk in cetaceans. She made a fundamental contribution within the IWC, since 2000 (International Whaling Commission) in fighting against the killing of whales for scientific purposes (doi: 10.1016/s0141-1136(00)00127-6.).
- In 2001 she published the first papers on effects of Endocrine Disruptors in Med marine top predators. (
- In 2012 she provided the first evidence worldwide on the effects of microplastics on baleen whales, investigating the presence and effect of microplastics and plasticizers in Mediterranean ecosystems.(
- Since 2013 she pioneered the groundbreaking idea of uniting the northern and southern shores of the Mediterranean in the fight against marine litter ( She has been (from 2013 until now) the scientific coordinator of the "Plastic Busters"(PB) initiative devoted to monitoring and mitigating the impact of Marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea. The Plastic Buster Project was elected as Flagship Project of Med-SDSN ( from 2013 and from 2016 Union for Mediterranean (UfM)(
- Since 2022, she has been making an innovative contribution to the development of diagnostic methodologies to detect the effects of emerging contaminants and multiple stressors on iconic marine species (cetaceans, birds, and turtles).
Giani, D., Baini, M., Panti, C., Galli, M., Caliani, I., Concato, M., Casini, S., & Fossi, M. C. (2025). A multi-compartment monitoring approach to assess the impact of marine litter in a Mediterranean coastal area. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 211. Scopus.
Baini, M., Fossi, M. C., Innocenti, F. D., Chinaglia, S., Tosin, M., Pecchiari, M., & Panti, C. (2024). Degradation of plastic materials in the marine environment: A mussel farm as a case study for the development of alternative mussel nets. Journal of Cleaner Production, 450. Scopus.
Dettoto, C., Maccantelli, A., Barbieri, M. V., Baini, M., Fernández-Arribas, J., Panti, C., Giani, D., Galli, M., Eljarrat, E., & Fossi, M. C. (2024). Plasticizers levels in four fish species from the Ligurian Sea and Central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) and potential risk for human consumption. Science of the Total Environment, 954. Scopus.
Galli, M., Baini, M., Panti, C., Tepsich, P., Rosso, M., Giannini, F., Galgani, F., & Fossi, M. C. (2024). Paraffin waxes in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea: A comprehensive assessment in the Pelagos Sanctuary, a Specially Protected Area of Mediterranean Importance. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 467. Scopus.
Girones, L., Adaro, M. E., Pozo, K., Baini, M., Panti, C., Fossi, M. C., Marcovecchio, J. E., Ronda, A. C., & Arias, A. H. (2024). Spatial distribution and characteristics of plastic pollution in the salt marshes of Bahía Blanca Estuary, Argentina. Science of the Total Environment, 912. Scopus.
Limonta, G., Panti, C., Fossi, M. C., Nardi, F., & Baini, M. (2024). Exposure to virgin and marine incubated microparticles of biodegradable and conventional polymers modulates the hepatopancreas transcriptome of Mytilus galloprovincialis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 468. Scopus.
Marangi, M., Papini, R. A., Furii, G., Gordigiani, L., Di Noi, A., Fossi, M. C., Casini, S., & Caliani, I. (2024). Parasitological investigation and potential effects of parasitism on hematological, genotoxic and immune parameters in free ranging sea turtles rescued along the Southern Adriatic coast (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 209. Scopus.
Morão, I. F. C., Simões, T., Casado, R. B., Vieira, S., Ferreira-Airaud, B., Caliani, I., Di Noi, A., Casini, S., Fossi, M. C., Lemos, M. F. L., & Novais, S. C. (2024). Metal accumulation in female green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) from Eastern Atlantic affects their egg quality with potential implications for embryonic development. Science of the Total Environment, 931. Scopus.
Patsiou, D., Digka, N., Galli, M., Baini, M., Fossi, M. C., & Tsangaris, C. (2024). Assessment of the impact of microplastic ingestion in striped red mullets from an Eastern Mediterranean coastal area (Zakynthos Island, Ionian Sea). Marine Environmental Research, 196. Scopus.
Perna, M., Brandini, C., Bendoni, M., Lapucci, C., Galgani, F., Panigada, S., Cañadas, A., Panti, C., & Fossi, M. C. (2024). Evaluation of the exposure of the Mediterranean biodiversity to marine litter: The ASI – plastic busters MPAs projects connection. Frontiers in Marine Science, 11. Scopus.
Santini, S., Baini, M., Martellini, T., Bissoli, M., Galli, M., Concato, M., Fossi, M. C., & Cincinelli, A. (2024). Novel ultrasound assisted extraction and d-SPE clean-up for the analysis of multiple legacy and emerging organic contaminants in edible fish. Food Chemistry, 443. Scopus.
Savoca, M. S., Abreo, N. A., Arias, A. H., Baes, L., Baini, M., Bergami, E., Brander, S., Canals, M., Choy, C. A., Corsi, I., De Witte, B., Domit, C., Dudas, S., Duncan, E. M., Fernández, C. E., Fossi, M. C., Garcés-Ordoñez, O., Godley, B. J., González-Paredes, D., … Santos, R. G. (2024). Monitoring plastic pollution using bioindicators: A global review and recommendations for marine environments. Environmental Science: Advances. Scopus.
Schweizer, S., Halder, K., Schäfer, A., Hauns, J., Marsili, L., Mazzariol, S., Fossi, M. C., Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Jiménez, B., & Vetter, W. (2024). High Amounts of Halogenated Natural Products in Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus) from Two Italian Regions in the Mediterranean Sea. Environment and Health, 2(4), 233–242. Scopus.
Caliani, I., Cannicci, S., Pretti, C., Baratti, M., Contini, G., Vitale, M., Casini, S., Fossi, M. C., Iannucci, A., & Fratini, S. (2023). A multidisciplinary integrated approach using Pachygrapsus marmoratus to assess the impact of port activities on mediterranean marine protected areas. Chemosphere, 312. Scopus.
Concato, M., Panti, C., Baini, M., Galli, M., Giani, D., & Fossi, M. C. (2023). Detection of anthropogenic fibres in marine organisms: Knowledge gaps and methodological issues. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191. Scopus.
Galli, M., Baini, M., Panti, C., Giani, D., Caliani, I., Campani, T., Rosso, M., Tepsich, P., Levati, V., Laface, F., Romeo, T., Scotti, G., Galgani, F., & Fossi, M. C. (2023). Oceanographic and anthropogenic variables driving marine litter distribution in Mediterranean protected areas: Extensive field data supported by forecasting modelling. Science of the Total Environment, 903. Scopus.
Galli, M., Olavarrieta Garcia, T., Baini, M., Urbán R, J., Ramírez-Macías, D., Viloria-Gómora, L., Panti, C., Martellini, T., Cincinelli, A., & Fossi, M. C. (2023). Microplastic occurrence and phthalate ester levels in neuston samples and skin biopsies of filter-feeding megafauna from La Paz Bay (Mexico). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 192. Scopus.
Giani, D., Andolina, C., Baini, M., Panti, C., Sciandra, M., Vizzini, S., & Fossi, M. C. (2023). Trophic niche influences ingestion of micro- and mesoplastics in pelagic and demersal fish from the Western Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution, 328. Scopus.
Hernandez-Milian, G., Tsangaris, C., Anestis, A., Fossi, M. C., Baini, M., Caliani, I., Panti, C., Bundone, L., & Panou, A. (2023). Monk seal faeces as a non-invasive technique to monitor the incidence of ingested microplastics and potential presence of plastic additives. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 193. Scopus.
Mancia, A., Abelli, L., Palladino, G., Candela, M., Lucon-Xiccato, T., Bertolucci, C., Fossi, M. C., Baini, M., & Panti, C. (2023). Sorbed environmental contaminants increase the harmful effects of microplastics in adult zebrafish, Danio rerio. Aquatic Toxicology, 259. Scopus.
Pasanisi, E., Galasso, G., Panti, C., Baini, M., Galli, M., Giani, D., Limonta, G., Tepsich, P., Delaney, E., Fossi, M. C., & Pojana, G. (2023). Monitoring the composition, sources and spatial distribution of seafloor litter in the Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea) through Fishing for Litter initiatives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 30(39), 90858–90874. Scopus.
Provenza, F., Pastorino, P., Anselmi, S., Persiano, M. L., Scirocco, T., De Rinaldis, G., Fossi, M. C., Panti, C., Renzi, M., & Specchiulli, A. (2023). Chemical pollution and ecotoxicological effects of high-density polyethylene microplastics in Mytilus galloprovincialis from two Italian lagoon ecosystems. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 98. Scopus.
Romano, E., Bergamin, L., Di Bella, L., Baini, M., Berto, D., D’Ambrosi, A., Di Fazio, M., Galli, M., Medeghini, L., Panti, C., Provenzani, C., Rampazzo, F., & Fossi, M. C. (2023). First record of microplastic in the environmental matrices of a Mediterranean marine cave (Bue Marino, Sardinia, Italy). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 186. Scopus.
Trani, A., Mezzapesa, G., Piscitelli, L., Mondelli, D., Nardelli, L., Belmonte, G., Toso, A., Piraino, S., Panti, C., Baini, M., Fossi, M. C., & Zuccaro, M. (2023). Microplastics in water surface and in the gastrointestinal tract of target marine organisms in Salento coastal seas (Italy, Southern Puglia). Environmental Pollution, 316. Scopus.
Florio Furno, M., Poli, A., Ferrero, D., Tardelli, F., Manzini, C., Oliva, M., Pretti, C., Campani, T., Casini, S., Fossi, M. C., Varese, G. C., & Prigione, V. (2022). The Culturable Mycobiota of Sediments and Associated Microplastics: From a Harbor to a Marine Protected Area, a Comparative Study. Journal of Fungi, 8(9). Scopus.
Galli, M., Tepsich, P., Baini, M., Panti, C., Rosso, M., Vafeiadou, A., Pantelidou, M., Moulins, A., & Fossi, M. C. (2022). Microplastic abundance and biodiversity richness overlap: Identification of sensitive areas in the Western Ionian Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 177. Scopus.
Panti, C., Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Marsili, L., Panigada, S., Baini, M., Jiménez, B., Fossi, M. C., & Lauriano, G. (2022). Ecotoxicological Characterization of Type C Killer Whales From Terra Nova Bay (Ross Sea, Antarctica): Molecular Biomarkers, Legacy, and Emerging Persistent Organic Contaminants. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9. Scopus.
Pedà, C., Romeo, T., Panti, C., Caliani, I., Casini, S., Marsili, L., Campani, T., Baini, M., Limonta, G., de Rysky, E., Caccamo, L., Perdichizzi, A., Gai, F., Maricchiolo, G., Consoli, P., & Fossi, M. C. (2022). Integrated biomarker responses in European seabass Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) chronically exposed to PVC microplastics. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 438. Scopus.
Corazzola, G., Baini, M., Grattarola, C., Panti, C., Marcer, F., Garibaldi, F., Berio, E., Mancusi, C., Galli, M., Mazzariol, S., Fossi, M. C., Centelleghe, C., & Casalone, C. (2021). Analysis of the gastro-intestinal tract of marine mammals: A multidisciplinary approach with a new multi-sieves tool. Animals, 11(6). Scopus.
Limonta, G., Mancia, A., Abelli, L., Fossi, M. C., Caliani, I., & Panti, C. (2021). Effects of microplastics on head kidney gene expression and enzymatic biomarkers in adult zebrafish. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 245. Scopus.
Mancia, A., Abelli, L., Fossi, M. C., & Panti, C. (2021). Skin distress associated with xenobiotics exposure: An epigenetic study in the Mediterranean fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus). Marine Genomics, 57. Scopus.
Poirier, M. C., Marsili, L., Fossi, M. C., Godard-Codding, C. A. J., Hernandez-Ramon, E. E., Si, N., DIvi, K. V., DIvi, R. L., Kerr, I., Wise, J. P., Wise, C. F., Wise, S. S., Aboueissa, A. E.-M., & Wise, J. T. F. (2021). Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon-DNA Adducts in Gulf of Mexico Sperm Whale Skin Biopsies Collected in 2012. Toxicological Sciences, 181(1), 115–124. Scopus.
Quiroz-Jara, M., Casini, S., Fossi, M. C., Orrego, R., Gavilán, J. F., & Barra, R. (2021). Integrated Physiological Biomarkers Responses in Wild Fish Exposed to the Anthropogenic Gradient in the Biobío River, South-Central Chile. Environmental Management, 67(6), 1145–1157. Scopus.
Soto-Navarro, J., Jordá, G., Compa, M., Alomar, C., Fossi, M. C., & Deudero, S. (2021). Impact of the marine litter pollution on the Mediterranean biodiversity: A risk assessment study with focus on the marine protected areas. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 165. Scopus.
Tsangaris, C., Panti, C., Compa, M., Pedà, C., Digka, N., Baini, M., D’Alessandro, M., Alomar, C., Patsiou, D., Giani, D., Romeo, T., Deudero, S., & Fossi, M. C. (2021). Interlaboratory comparison of microplastic extraction methods from marine biota tissues: A harmonization exercise of the Plastic Busters MPAs project. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 164. Scopus.
Ancora, S., Mariotti, G., Ponchia, R., Fossi, M. C., Leonzio, C., & Bianchi, N. (2020). Trace elements levels in muscle and liver of a rarely investigated large pelagic fish: The Mediterranean spearfish Tetrapturus belone (Rafinesque, 1810). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 151. Scopus.
Baini, M., Panti, C., Fossi, M. C., Tepsich, P., Jiménez, B., Coomber, F., Bartalini, A., Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Moulins, A., & Rosso, M. (2020). First assessment of POPs and cytochrome P450 expression in Cuvier’s beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) skin biopsies from the Mediterranean Sea. Scientific Reports, 10(1). Scopus.
Bartalini, A., Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Baini, M., Panti, C., Galli, M., Giani, D., Fossi, M. C., & Jiménez, B. (2020). Relevance of current PCB concentrations in edible fish species from the Mediterranean Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 737. Scopus.
Cadiou, J.-F., Gerigny, O., Koren, Š., Zeri, C., Kaberi, H., Alomar, C., Panti, C., Fossi, M. C., Adamopoulou, A., Digka, N., Deudero, S., Concato, M., Carbonell, A., Baini, M., Galli, M., & Galgani, F. (2020). Lessons learned from an intercalibration exercise on the quantification and characterisation of microplastic particles in sediment and water samples. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 154. Scopus.
Campani, T., Casini, S., Caliani, I., Pretti, C., & Fossi, M. C. (2020). Ecotoxicological Investigation in Three Model Species Exposed to Elutriates of Marine Sediments Inoculated With Bioplastics. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7. Scopus.
Capanni, F., Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Marsili, L., Fossi, M. C., & Jiménez, B. (2020). Assessment of PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs and PBDEs in Mediterranean striped dolphins. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 156. Scopus.
Consoli, P., Scotti, G., Romeo, T., Fossi, M. C., Esposito, V., D’Alessandro, M., Battaglia, P., Galgani, F., Figurella, F., Pragnell-Raasch, H., & Andaloro, F. (2020). Characterization of seafloor litter on Mediterranean shallow coastal waters: Evidence from Dive Against Debris®, a citizen science monitoring approach. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 150. Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Baini, M., & Panti, C. (2020). The Impact of Microplastics on Filter-Feeding Megafauna. In Springer Water (pp. 1–3). Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Baini, M., & Simmonds, M. P. (2020). Cetaceans as Ocean Health Indicators of Marine Litter Impact at Global Scale. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8. Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., & Panti, C. (2020). The Impact of Marine Litter in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in the Mediterranean Sea: How Can We Protect MPAs? In Mare Plasticum—The Plastic Sea: Combatting Plastic Pollution Through Science and Art (pp. 117–128). Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Vlachogianni, T., Galgani, F., Innocenti, F. D., Zampetti, G., & Leone, G. (2020). Assessing and mitigating the harmful effects of plastic pollution: The collective multi-stakeholder driven Euro-Mediterranean response. Ocean and Coastal Management, 184. Scopus.
Gómez, V., Pozo, K., Nuñez, D., Přibylová, P., Audy, O., Baini, M., Fossi, M. C., & Klánová, J. (2020). Marine plastic debris in Central Chile: Characterization and abundance of macroplastics and burden of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 152. Scopus.
Pedà, C., Battaglia, P., D’Alessandro, M., Laface, F., Malara, D., Consoli, P., Vicchio, T. M., Longo, F., Andaloro, F., Baini, M., Galli, M., Bottari, T., Fossi, M. C., Greco, S., & Romeo, T. (2020). Coupling Gastro-Intestinal Tract Analysis With an Airborne Contamination Control Method to Estimate Litter Ingestion in Demersal Elasmobranchs. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 8. Scopus.
Schirinzi, G. F., Pedà, C., Battaglia, P., Laface, F., Galli, M., Baini, M., Consoli, P., Scotti, G., Esposito, V., Faggio, C., Farré, M., Barceló, D., Fossi, M. C., Andaloro, F., & Romeo, T. (2020). A new digestion approach for the extraction of microplastics from gastrointestinal tracts (GITs) of the common dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) from the western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 397. Scopus.
Schirinzi, G., Pedà, C., Andaloro, F., Baini, M., Battaglia, P., D’Alessandro, M., Genovese, M., Farré, M., Panti, C., Cristina Fossi, M., & Romeo, T. (2020). Occurrence of Microplastics in the Gastrointestinal Tracts (GITs) of the Common Dolphinfish, Coryphaena Hippurus, from the Western Mediterranean Sea. In Springer Water (pp. 240–244). Scopus.
Bartalini, A., Muñoz-Arnanz, J., Marsili, L., Mazzariol, S., Fossi, M. C., & Jiménez, B. (2019). Evaluation of PCDD/Fs, dioxin-like PCBs and PBDEs in sperm whales from the Mediterranean Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 653, 1417–1425. Scopus.
Caliani, I., Poggioni, L., D’Agostino, A., Fossi, M. C., & Casini, S. (2019). An immune response-based approach to evaluate physiological stress in rehabilitating loggerhead sea turtle. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 207, 18–24. Scopus.
Campanale, C., Suaria, G., Bagnuolo, G., Baini, M., Galli, M., De Rysky, E., Ballini, M., Aliani, S., Fossi, M. C., & Uricchio, V. F. (2019). Visual observations of floating macro litter around Italy (Mediterranean Sea). Mediterranean Marine Science, 20(2), 271–281. Scopus.
Claro, F., Fossi, M. C., Ioakeimidis, C., Baini, M., Lusher, A. L., Mc Fee, W., McIntosh, R. R., Pelamatti, T., Sorce, M., Galgani, F., & Hardesty, B. D. (2019). Tools and constraints in monitoring interactions between marine litter and megafauna: Insights from case studies around the world. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 141, 147–160. Scopus.
Giani, D., Baini, M., Galli, M., Casini, S., & Fossi, M. C. (2019). Microplastics occurrence in edible fish species (Mullus barbatus and Merluccius merluccius) collected in three different geographical sub-areas of the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 140, 129–137. Scopus.
Limonta, G., Mancia, A., Benkhalqui, A., Bertolucci, C., Abelli, L., Fossi, M. C., & Panti, C. (2019). Microplastics induce transcriptional changes, immune response and behavioral alterations in adult zebrafish. Scientific Reports, 9(1). Scopus.
Oliva, M., De Marchi, L., Cuccaro, A., Casu, V., Tardelli, F., Monni, G., Freitas, R., Caliani, I., Fossi, M. C., Fratini, S., Baratti, M., & Pretti, C. (2019). Effects of copper on larvae of the marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus (Decapoda, Grapsidae): Toxicity test and biochemical marker responses. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part - C: Toxicology and Pharmacology, 223, 71–77. Scopus.
Panti, C., Baini, M., Lusher, A., Hernandez-Milan, G., Bravo Rebolledo, E. L., Unger, B., Syberg, K., Simmonds, M. P., & Fossi, M. C. (2019). Marine litter: One of the major threats for marine mammals. Outcomes from the European Cetacean Society workshop. 247, 72–79. Scopus.
Pozo, K., Gomez, V., Torres, M., Vera, L., Nuñez, D., Oyarzún, P., Mendoza, G., Clarke, B., Fossi, M. C., Baini, M., Přibylová, P., & Klánová, J. (2019). Presence and characterization of microplastics in fish of commercial importance from the Biobío region in central Chile. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 140, 315–319. Scopus.
Routti, H., Diot, B., Panti, C., Duale, N., Fossi, M. C., Harju, M., Kovacs, K. M., Lydersen, C., Scotter, S. E., Villanger, G. D., & Bourgeon, S. (2019). Contaminants in Atlantic walruses in Svalbard Part 2: Relationships with endocrine and immune systems. Environmental Pollution, 246, 658–667. Scopus.
Tintoré, J., Pinardi, N., Álvarez-Fanjul, E., Aguiar, E., Álvarez-Berastegui, D., Bajo, M., Balbin, R., Bozzano, R., Nardelli, B. B., Cardin, V., Casas, B., Charcos-Llorens, M., Chiggiato, J., Clementi, E., Coppini, G., Coppola, L., Cossarini, G., Deidun, A., Deudero, S., … Zodiatis, G. (2019). Challenges for Sustained Observing and Forecasting Systems in the Mediterranean Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6. Scopus.
Baini, M., Fossi, M. C., Galli, M., Caliani, I., Campani, T., Finoia, M. G., & Panti, C. (2018). Abundance and characterization of microplastics in the coastal waters of Tuscany (Italy): The application of the MSFD monitoring protocol in the Mediterranean Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 133, 543–552. Scopus.
Bernardini, I., Garibaldi, F., Canesi, L., Fossi, M. C., & Baini, M. (2018). First data on plastic ingestion by blue sharks (Prionace glauca) from the Ligurian Sea (North-Western Mediterranean Sea). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 135, 303–310. Scopus.
Casini, S., Caliani, I., Giannetti, M., Marsili, L., Maltese, S., Coppola, D., Bianchi, N., Campani, T., Ancora, S., Caruso, C., Furii, G., Parga, M., D’Agostino, A., & Fossi, M. C. (2018). First ecotoxicological assessment of Caretta caretta (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Mediterranean Sea using an integrated nondestructive protocol. Science of the Total Environment, 631–632, 1221–1233. Scopus.
Fossi, C., Leonzio, C., Focardi, S., & Peakall, D. B. (2018). Avian mixed function oxidase induction as a monitoring device: The influence of normal physiological functions. In Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination (pp. 143–151). Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., & Panti, C. (2018). Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Population Health (p. 486). Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Panti, C., Baini, M., & Lavers, J. L. (2018). A review of plastic-associated pressures: Cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea and Eastern Australian Shearwaters as case studies. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5(MAY). Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Panti, C., & Depledge, M. H. (2018). Foreword. Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Population Health, xvii–xx. Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Panti, C., & Depledge, M. H. (2018). Foreword. Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Population Health, xvii–xx. Scopus.
Fossi, M. C., Pedà, C., Compa, M., Tsangaris, C., Alomar, C., Claro, F., Ioakeimidis, C., Galgani, F., Hema, T., Deudero, S., Romeo, T., Battaglia, P., Andaloro, F., Caliani, I., Casini, S., Panti, C., & Baini, M. (2018). Bioindicators for monitoring marine litter ingestion and its impacts on Mediterranean biodiversity. Environmental Pollution, 237, 1023–1040. Scopus.
Gallo, F., Fossi, C., Weber, R., Santillo, D., Sousa, J., Ingram, I., Nadal, A., & Romano, D. (2018). Marine litter plastics and microplastics and their toxic chemicals components: The need for urgent preventive measures. Environmental Sciences Europe, 30(1). Scopus.
Germanov, E. S., Marshall, A. D., Bejder, L., Fossi, M. C., & Loneragan, N. R. (2018). Microplastics: No Small Problem for Filter-Feeding Megafauna. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33(4), 227–232. Scopus.
Godard-Codding, C. A. J., & Fossi, M. C. (2018). Field Sampling Techniques and Ecotoxicologic Biomarkers in Cetaceans. In Marine Mammal Ecotoxicology: Impacts of Multiple Stressors on Population Health (pp. 237–259). Scopus.
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